Helipads are often situated in places that are difficult to reach and can be additionally lit with lights from surrounding buildings or lighthouses. They sometimes ease landing but there are cases when they actually hinder visibility. That’s why helipad lighting that is used for night operations is designed very carefully, taking into consideration the surrounding of the landing zone itself. If lighting is used in conditions other than night (dusk, bad weather conditions that hinder visibility), there may be a need for enhanced-intensity lights to attain a perfect visibility and brightness. Usually, the light intensity is set at 3% or 10%. Doing so, one can be certain that the lights won’t bring flashes that may influence a pilot’s visibility. Currently, one can use lights of three intensity levels: 10%, 30% and 100%; and five intensity levels: 0.2%, 1%, 5%, 25% and 100%.
Many helipads uses solar lighting which more efficient. To learn more about solar helipad lighting go here https://solutions4ga.com/solar-helipad-lighting
and find out how it works.