Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance, as the name suggests, is used for sustainable guidance during approaching the landing operation. It also provides edge identification. The system consists of two illumination elements (superior and inferior). SAGA units are installed in periods of at least 10 meters, on both sides of a runway. In the case of helipads, they are set as close to the thresholds as possible.
What does sustainable aviation guidance alliance look like in practice?
A pilot that operates an aircraft and prepares for landing sees two flashes separated by a period of 1 second. The moment the aircraft is in the sector of 9° in the approach centerline, the pilot will see two lamps. When the pilot reaches the sector of 30° in the approach centerline, the pilot will see two flashing lights with a changing delay. If the plane goes beyond the 30° sector, the system’s signal won’t be visible to the pilot. SAGA lighting system must meet the requirements of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).